• Thank you so much for your help in cleaning up the wet carpets. This flood could have caused a lot more damage and breakdown in service had it not been for your immediate response. It was a relief to see you arrive so quickly. We appreciate the fact that you must have dropped everything to come to our aid - great customer service!
    (Alison F, Council.
    Contract commenced 2007)

  • The response to issues and the "nothing is too much trouble" attitude of the team is one of RealClean's greatest strengths. Your ops team are fantastic, our site cleaner is lovely inspite of being a bit precious about our bin liners.
    (Kim M.
    Contract commenced 2000)

  • Communication, follow up and putting steps in place to ensure the same thing doesn't reoccur when we highlight issues are strengths of RealClean. Always willing to go the extra mile, whether asked to or not. Todd and Andy show great inititive when they are onsite and are always so cheerful.
    (Tracy W, Freight Forwarding.
    Contract commenced 2002)

  • Very happy with the service, cleaning staff have a great attitude.
    (Denise L, District Council.
    Contract commenced 2013)

  • The staff are very friendly and always professional. It is a pleasure to say hello to them and be greeted by a smile. How personable they are always impresses me. Cleaning can often be a thankless job and they are always here with a smile and take the time to say hello.
    (Feedback from staff at Ngaruawahia office.
    Contract commenced 2013)

  • Where ever you go you leave smiling people in your wake.
    (Christine H.
    Contract commenced 2003)

  • We have very much enjoyed working with you, Andy and more recently Todd, along with all the cleaners who are part of your organisation.
    (Susannah F, School.
    Contract commenced 2008)

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Our Cleaning Staff

We attract high–calibre people by offering in–depth training, decent wages and a team environment that cultivates a strong company identity. University students, graduates, mothers, nurses, engineers, musicians – they all share some key qualities: they are switched on self–starters with great attitude and enthusiasm. Most have been with us for a number of years.


Starting with our recruitment ads, all cleaners are handpicked to ensure a tailor–made fit to your site. Both regular cleaning staff and relief cleaners are then individually trained to meet the particular requirements of each contract.

This means we spent an extraordinary amount of time with new employees. We have found that it is more than worthwhile to put in this effort at the outset, as both we and you reap the rewards down the track. These rewards come in the form of confident cleaners with high standards, who use their equipment proficiently and have a high awareness of Health and Safety.

Creating a company that empowers its employees and provides all of us with meaningful employment was one of RealClean's founding principles. As a result, RealClean operates with a unique, flat staffing structure. Key to this is supporting, rather than controlling, our employees.

The results of this staffing structure are striking: low staff turnover, team support, pride in performance, lower supervision leading to lower overheads and higher pay rates, staff take ownership of our clients' needs and take personal accountability for delivering friendly and professional service.

The benefits for our clients are clear. Our employees are more enthusiastic, more committed and go to great lengths to help.

Always willing to go the extra mile, whether asked to or not.
(Tracy W, Freight Forwarding)